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How a Dentist in Corning, NY Can Help You Avoid Periodontal Diseases

Don’t fall into the trap of thinking that just because your teeth look pearly white, it means that your oral health is in top shape. It’s very possible that although your teeth may be healthy, your gums aren’t. For this, you will need a dentist focusing on the treatment of periodontal disease near Corning, NY.

What is Periodontitis?

In a nutshell, periodontitis is the disease of the structures around the teeth, which is the gum area. What makes it easy for people to overlook the possibility of a gum disease is that the symptoms tend to appear like any regular oral condition.

Bleeding gums, for example, can be because of overly hard brushing or flossing. Especially for those with sensitive gums, even the basic act of chewing can already cause bleeding, particularly with hard to chew food items.

Consulting a Dentist: Periodontal Disease Symptoms and Treatments

Periodontal disease may be a severe oral health condition to deal with. This occurs when the structures that surround your teeth, such as the alveolar bone or gums, become infected. Such conditions require prompt treatment from a professional dentist. Below is some helpful information on periodontal disease.


Knowing what to look for in regards to periodontal disease is not as difficult when you know the symptoms. These include swollen gums, bleeding, and gums that recede. More severe symptoms might include a bad taste in the mouth, visible pus coming from the gums, or even loose teeth. If any of the aforementioned symptoms are present, you need to respond quickly and get help from a Corning, NY dentist.

Am I Suffering from Periodontal Disease? Here are Three Warning Signs

Periodontal disease is a chronic inflammatory condition that affects your gums. If the condition is left untreated and allowed to progress, periodontal disease can easily lead to tooth loss. In fact, periodontal disease is the leading cause of tooth loss among adults.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that 47.2 percent of the adult population suffers from periodontal disease. That equates to roughly 64.7 million adults who are 30 years or older.

Fortunately, periodontal disease can easily be treated by a dentist who offers periodontal treatment services in Corning, NY.

Ask a Dentist: How is Periodontal Disease Treated at Different Stages?

Periodontal disease is a leading cause of tooth loss among adults. The disease is the late stage progression of gum inflammation or gingivitis caused by bacteria and plaque growth along the gum line. The difference is that with periodontal disease, pockets have already formed between the gums and teeth. These pockets collect bacteria and may become infected. The bacteria and inflammation further break down the gums and the teeth until the gums are no longer sufficient to anchor a tooth and it falls out. Many people in Corning or elsewhere in the U.S. have periodontal disease or gingivitis in different stages. It can affect those who are in otherwise good health, and it is often painless even at advanced stages.

The good news is that gingivitis and even advanced stages of periodontal disease are treatable. An experienced Corning, NY dentist can diagnose and treat the disease.

Gum Health: Detection of Periodontal Disease and Its Common Treatments

Periodontal diseases are one of the leading causes of premature tooth loss, and they are more prevalent in men than women. The rate increases after the age of 65. The presence of the condition is diagnosed by a dentist in Corning, NY or elsewhere during an initial examination. All gingival findings are recorded, and they may include clinical attachment levels, probing depths, bone levels, and tooth mobility. In addition, the spacing or relationship among one’s teeth is noted. All of the findings are taken into consideration during the treatment planning phase of the therapy.

Every evaluation of the gums helps to identify periodontal disease and implement comprehensive treatment to halt the progress of the disorder. Early diagnosis and detection of periodontal disease in Corning, NY dental offices are crucial to the prevention of this condition, because if left untreated, it leads to tooth loss and costly dental treatments.

Dentist in Corning, NY: Keep Your Mouth Free from Periodontal Disease

Do you wonder why dentists never fail to tell their patients to come back after six months for another dental checkup? It’s because regular dental care is critical for healthy teeth and gums.

Regular dental care comes with numerous benefits. For starters, it increases the chances of quickly identifying and treating any potential issues before they turn into huge dental problems that cost a lot to treat. On one end, regular dental care allows for the detection of potential oral cancers which can be cured if caught at its earliest stage. On the other hand, cavities and broken fillings can be prevented, which, if left unnoticed, could result in tooth extraction and, possibly, even gum surgery.

Understanding the Effects of Periodontal Diseases on Kids in Corning

Contrary to popular belief, periodontal or gum disease is NOT something that only happens to grown-ups and the elderly; children and adolescents are susceptible, too. Broadly speaking, gum diseases refer to a set of ailments resulting from an inflammation of the tissues and bone that support the teeth. If left untreated, it could result in rotting teeth and possible underlying complications.

Usually, periodontal disease is caused by a buildup of plaque, a sticky layer of bacteria that naturally forms on teeth and gums. The most common types that affect children are chronic gingivitis and aggressive periodontitis.